More than

4.8 billion people worldwide

are unable to obtain a simple, life-saving procedure.

Over 95% of the population in LMICs lack access to basic surgical care.


More than 30% of the global health burden requires surgical treatment.


Over 1.5 million lives could be saved annually by investing in basic surgical procedure training.

A lack of appropriately trained personnel is a key contributor to insufficient access to surgical care. The shortage has resulted in an unmanageable backlog of cases.

New resources, technology and training programs must be developed to address the need for more reliable and accessible surgical care in LMICs.

There is an immediate need to increase the number of appropriately trained, qualified health professionals in low and middle-income countries.


Simulation training can dramatically improve the efficiency and efficacy of medical training. It can also help reduce the cost and time involved with training medical professionals.

Simulation Technology: MSI’s Interactive Video Trainer

Medical Simulation International has developed an Interactive Simulation Trainer tool that allows trainees the opportunity to experience and rehearse medically complex procedures on a standard personal computer before performing them on a patient.

“For too long, the global health movement has failed to count surgery as an integral part of public health.” – Paul Farmer, in the forward to “Essential Surgery